Where to find free Windows downloads
If you need to find free software or trials for your Windows, Mac or Linux computer, then you know that this can sometimes be a time intensive endeavour. Not knowing whether or not the program has a virus can cause you to be anxious about performing the process. Fortunately, there are a few reliable websites that can usually be trusted to deliver clean, free, and high quality software. This article will discuss on those sites.
One common classification of computer software is freeware. This is completely legal, and it contains free software to download. The only danger of downloading such software is that if you don't watch your source, you could end up having any and all personal information on your computer compromised. Open source software The safest type of freeware to download is open source software. This is a software that a group of people work on, and the source code to it is freely available. While these are almost virus-free, there are some sites that will add malicious code to the program, compile it, and then distribute it! Below, you will find safe ways to get free software for your computer. Note that if you were looking for paid software for free, you may be disappointed. While there are some company that sanctioned giveaways, it is mostly illegal to download copyrighted software for free.
The sites
One very reliable and well-maintained software site where you can find and download free open source software is Sourceforge.net. The site has a search function, as well as a genre function. You can find all the free open source games that are available, as well as just about any type of software for absolutely free. SourceForge is one of the most complete and reliable download archives of open source software. In case that the newest version of whatever you are trying to download for some reason does not work on your computer, they have an archive for each piece of software of every old version. Final word Note that this is not a guarantee that every program located there is virus-free. It is always recommended for you to scan and assess each and every file that is downloaded on the Internet before running it.