Where to find wholesale bulk lots
Generally, people, who are looking to buy bulk lots, want to sell the items that they buy on auction websites such as eBay. People, who are looking at doing this for a career or for some other reason, will need to know where to look for good quality bulk lots.
Where to find bulk lots
General wholesalers
There are a number of general wholesalers, who sell bulk products for a very low rate. Some of these wholesalers have websites, while others do not.
The best way to find a wholesaler, who sells a variety of different products is to do an online search for them.
Generally, these companies are based in countries, like China, which means that the buyer will have to account for delivery time.
Niche wholesalers
Those, who want to sell a specific type of product, will find that there are many niche wholesalers, who only sell specific products. For example, some wholesalers only sell shoes for women.
One popular method of buying bulk lots is using an auction website like eBay. However, it is important that buyers do not get caught up in the excitement of the auction, and pay more than the items are worth.
People, who live near a good market, will find that they can find a few good bulk items at the marketplace for a low price.
While this is rare, it does happen. Buyers need to make sure that they are getting the product for a good price, or the purpose of going to the market will be defeated.
Keep looking for bulk lots
Lastly, it is important that buyers keep looking for good wholesalers. These companies are not easy to find.
This is due to the fact that their customers rarely post reviews, and advice as they do not want more competition in the marketplace.
This means that new buyers will need to be vigilant when looking for a good supplier.
A word of warning
As there are many scams on the Internet, it pays to be careful when using wholesalers. Buyers should make sure that they read reviews for wholesale lots, by past customers of the company they choose to buy from. Also, purchases for wholesale bulk lots should be made, by using Paypal or a valid credit card, so that the fee can be reversed if the goods do not arrive.