A five step guide on making a web page
Making your own website doesn't need to be difficult. You can actually do it in just five easy and simple steps. Moreover, you don't even need to know HTML or worry about spending an excessive amount of money to create your own business or personal site.
Steps 1 to 3
Step 1: Design your website
You need to have a design for your website before you even think about programs and software.
Think about why you want your website and then consider what will look good. Pick colours that look great on any screen resolution and keep your pages interesting with pictures, videos and content that is fun, interesting and informative.
Step 2: Download the software
Since you don't need to worry about HTML coding when building a site, you will need to download some software.
There are trial versions of popular programs online, or you can download content managements systems for free.
You should try out as many as you can so that you can find one that you can work with - not everybody is the same, and different programs will offer different tools and benefits.
Step 3: Keep it simple
When putting your website together, keep it as simple as possible.
Look for templates and themes that are ready-made.
Don't go for textures that have a lot of detail - keep the website appealing to the eye and easy to navigate around.
Steps 4 to 5
Step 4: Keep it interesting
If you are running a business website, make all the content geared to what you can provide and why the visitors should choose you.
Have a blog that can inform your potential customers of updates or anything linked to your business that can help them.
If you keep a blog or a personal website, consider information that will answer a question.
Step five: Make it easy to find
You need to make sure that people can find your website.
The best way of doing this is through SEO and link backing.
Find the best ways to incorporate all of this naturally into your content and any other sites.
Final Notes
Making a website doesn't need to be difficult.
In fact, the hardest part is finding a web hosting site suitable for your website and generating traffic to it.
If you follow these steps, your website will only grow and earn you money.