A guide to Adobe UK
A guide to computer software company Adobe UK, outlining the company's products and uses, latest news and where to look for help. Read this article to learn more about Adobe UK.
What is Adobe?
Adobe is a computer company dedicated to producing software to create and edit graphics, prints, video and other online media. Originally developed in the USA, Adobe now has branches across the UK as well as other regions of Europe, Asia and the Pacific.
Adobe programs are available for both Mac and Windows. Some of their most popular products include:
Adobe Acrobat
This software allows you to read and create documents in PDF - portable document format. This format was developed by Adobe in 1993 to allow exchange of documents across various software and operating systems.
This is a photo editing program used by amateur and professional photographers as well as Web and print designers. The program allows users to store, share, edit and retouch digital photographs.
Adobe Flash platform
The Adobe Flash platform is a set of technologies allowing websites to run and share video applications. Adobe Flash enables websites such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media to run video content and applications.
Adobe publish
This program allows users to easily update and manage their websites.
Adobe Soundbooth/Audition
Soundbooth, which is currently being replaced by an upgrade entitled 'Adobe Audition', is an audio editing program. Allowing multi-track recording, sound mixing and editing, Soundbooth and Audition are ideal for creating audio for various online content.
Contact Adobe UK
Adobe UK is available to assist users with any problems that they may encounter. Their online support page can be reached at Adobe.com.uk (support) where you will find a list of frequently asked questions as well as a variety of support systems and email addresses to contact for further assistance. Adobe.com.uk is also the site to visit to the online Adobe store. The most up-to-date versions of their products are available to trial or purchase, as well as upgrades of existing products. Today, you can keep up-to-date with Adobe's latest news and releases via a number of social media networks including Facebook and Twitter. Regular press releases can also be found at Adobe.com.uk (about adobe pressroom).