A guide to Beta Dog Food
Purina is a company that was founded in 1902. The founder of the company, William H. Danforth, created a log that was modelled on red and white checked clothing which a family he knew as a child wore. In 2001, Purina and Nestlé merged, becoming one of the largest pet food companies all over the world. Beta dog food is popular in the UK, and can offer nutrition for your dog.
Beta dog food contains prebiotics. According to Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., prebiotics are "nondigestible nutrients that are used as an energy source by certain beneficial bacteria that naturally live in your intestines." Purina adds chicory to the food which helps your dog to achieve, as stated by the site," a balance of good bacteria in the gut, helping to improve digestion and maintain a dog’s overall well-being." In studies conducted by Nestlé, it was discovered that the level of bifidobacteria increased in the dog's digestive system.
Meat and other ingredients
Beta Dog Food contains meat in the form of 4% of chicken, meat as well as 14% of animal derivatives. Other ingredients include cereals, 4% of which are wholegrain, protein extracts from vegetables, "derivatives of vegetable origin" which include a minimum of 0.5% beet pulp, fats as well as oils, vegetables which include 5% of chicory, and minerals.
Other Beta products
Beta offers other products as well, including Dual Kibbles, which are according, to the site," designed to encourage chewing and maintain good oral health." Other Beta products include Beta Pet Maintenance Adult Complete Dog Food with Chicken, Beta Puppy, Beta Adult Light, Beta Adult, Beta Pet Maintenance, Beta Senior, Beta Active, Beta Puppy Large Breed, Beta Adult Large Breed, Beta Salmon and Rice Sensitive, Beta Adult Sensitive, and Beta Puppy and Junior Large Breed. The food comes in various sizes, which makes it convenient for the dog owner to get the amount of food that is needed for their dog or dogs. The food is designed to change with the dog's needs from puppyhood to adulthood and the senior years. The food also matches the level of activity of your dog. The food is available at most pet stores as well as online.