Category "Pets"
Cats, next to dogs are one of the oldest pets dating back as far as the pharaohs, they have been a loyal companion to humans. nowadays, there are hundreds of varieties of different cats in a diversity of different colours, ranging from grey to orange cats. this article will offer you with a guide on where to buy cats in the uk.
The white siberian husky is an ancient breed of dog originating in siberia and exported to america. it was used by gold miners and became a popular sledge dog. later on, it became a popular racing dog and it was used by the u.s. military. however, it has also become a show dog and a much desired family pet.
Algae is a problem in almost every aquarium at some point, and although chemical products are available on the market, it is often safer and more rewarding to purchase an algae eating fish. this article will look at what types of algae eaters are available and what types of algae they eat.
Cats were first domesticated about 4000 years ago. in ancient egypt, the cat was not only considered as a vermin controller, but also as a member of the family as well. the custom of keeping cats spread around europe, japan, china and india. after the middle ages and a case of mistaken identity, the cat regained its place as a favoured pet. however, the cat might urinate where it should not. here is a guide to cleaning the cat urine.
Fish tanks are becoming a great focal piece for any room. they do not only offer entertainment, but also bring movement to the décor. however, in order to keep the tanks in a great looking condition, accessories are needed. the following article will look at where to buy these necessities.
Name tags for pets are helpful if ever they get lost, they can easily be identified and returned safely. most name tags carry at least a phone number or some form of pet identity which makes the owner traceable. this article discusses where to purchase such tags.
There is nothing more relaxing that watching fish swim around a fish tank. not everyone is content to just have a little fish bowl with a single goldfish in it. if you fancy having a big selection of fish you may want to consider buying a larger wall hanging aquarium. read on for a review of wall mounted fish aquariums.
If you are an animal lover, it might seem like the ideal way to help out is to get an abandoned or abused puppy from the rspca. pet rescue or pet adoption schemes are certainly a good way of helping the fight for animal rights, but it is not something to be taken lightly. so, what are the pitfalls,what do you need to think about and how do you go about getting a puppy from an animal home?
Barking is a natural thing for your dog to do just like it's a natural thing for humans to talk. however, when it comes to excessive dog barking, while it may not be a problem for you, it can quickly become tiresome for your neighbours. this article looks at how to train a dog to stop barking.
With feeding a cat becoming more and more expensive, many people are interested in how they can obtain free cat food. it might sound impossible, but actually obtaining food for your cat without paying for it, is not that difficult, though you can find free samples generally, rather than large bags of free pet food. this article looks at the different places where free cat and kitten foods are likely to be obtained.
There are strict laws and regulations surrounding the import and export of rare or exotic animals. so, it is extremely important to carefully consider and research the animal that you wish to keep. this article will cover some of the basic considerations that must be taken before even thinking of importing any type of rare pet.
Finding the perfect cage for your perfect bunny can be a little challenging, but there are many places to look and a whole variety of different bunny cages out there; whether you're looking for something fancy or simple, indoor or outdoor or even extra large or regular size.
The north shore animal league is the world's largest no-kill shelter and it runs on donations and raised funds. they do everything for the animals in hopes of finding them quality forever homes.
Just as people can develop allergies, so can dogs. in fact, dogs can develop allergic reactions to any number of substances in the environment. if you find that your dog scratches himself a lot and fidgeting has become a habit of his, then it is likely that he suffers from some kind of allergy.
Most people who have pets are concerned about what to do when they go away on holiday. one solution is to use pet sitters - house sitters who will look after your cats and dogs as well as your home, often doing dog walking and similar chores too. this article looks at where and how you can find someone to do pet sitting.