A guide to Microsoft Word's online functions
Microsoft Word is a powerful word processor with many writing features. You can send your work to others, through the net or take your office to the web by publishing it online (through MS Office Live, etc.). This guide will give you information on learning web tools of Word is easy, through free training on Microsoft website, MS office help files, other Word training online class, etc.
Click on the MS Office logo
Many users don't realise at the beginning, that they can click on the Microsoft Office logo on the top corner of the software programme for the following functions: 1. New 2. Open 3. Save 4. Save as 5. Print 6. Prepare 7. Send 8. Publish 9. Close Of these, 'send' and 'publish' concern online MS Office functions. Here is what you can do with 'send': 1. Email as an attachment 2. Send a copy to a Bluetooth device 3. Email as a PDF attachment 4. Email as an XPS attachment 5. Fax a copy through an internet fax Here is what 'publish' does: 1. Use the content to create a blog post 2. Share the document by saving it to a document management server 3. Create a document work space and keep your local copy synchronised
Emailing your document
Emailing as an attachment You can email your document in DOC, PDF or XPS format. DOC is the format of MS Word office software programme. Depending on the word processor programme, that is installed in your recipient's computer, it may not be able to open your DOC document. Most people however, can open a PDF, because they have downloaded a free PDF reader and installed it into their computer. Emailing via Windows Live Mail Clicking on any one of these three options will open up Windows Live Mail, with the document already attached and its title pre-filled. You can then include more attachments (like a business card and other files) and insert media (like photos), hyper-links and emoticons. You can also encrypt, and digitally sign the document before saving, clicking 'send' or sending later.
Publishing your document
Publishing to your blog Clicking on this option opens up a new MS Word window. The registration wizard will walk you through registering your blog, before you can publish to your online website. Creating a document workspace You must have permission to create a (shared) workspace site on Microsoft Windows SharePoint services site so as to share documents online. Now, people in your organisation can work on files, different versions and so on, together.