A guide to Roman goddesses
In ancient Roman society, the gods were incredibly important to them. So, who exactly were the Roman deities and where did they originate from?
The gods and goddesses were incredibly powerful during the Roman time through Roman myths and Roman legends.
The people believed they governed over every single aspect of their lives, respecting and fearing them.
The Roman world was largely built off borrowed ideas and ideals.
From their clothing to their war methods, the Romans took something from each of the other countries they conquered.
This also applied for Roman religion because the Roman mythology is largely taken from Greek mythology and therefore, the Roman goddesses and gods are also taken from the Greeks.
The ancient Romans had gods and goddesses for everything just as the Greeks did.
For example, the goddess Minerva was the goddess of wisdom for the Romans with the Greek equivalent being Athena.
The same is said for the Greek god of the sea being the same as the Roman god of the sea and likewise for the other gods, including the goddess and god of love.
The Greek god of fire does the same job as the Roman equivalent and so on.
The Roman gods Jupiter, the god of lightning and thunder and also king of the gods. Neptune the god was the Roman god of the sea. The Roman god Mars was the Roman god of war. Pluto was the god of death. Apollo was the god of the sun. Cupid was the god of love. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. Vulcan was the god of fire and the smith god. Bacchus was the god of wine. Saturn was the god of time. Janus was the god of doors. Plutus was the god of wealth.
The Roman goddesses Juno, queen of the gods. Diana, one of the moon goddesses. The nature goddesses were Ceres the Earth goddess, Maia, the goddess of growth and Flora, the goddess of flowers. Combined they were assigned the task of looking after nature. Venus, the goddess of love. Minerva was the goddess of wisdom. Proserpine was the goddess of the underworld.