Category "History"
Mary washington was the mother of george washington, the first president of the united states of america. the first hospital of fredericksburg’s health-care system was named after her. the article provides a brief profile of washington’s mother, known for her strong character.
Founded in 1912 by juliette gordon low, the girl scouts of america, after she met robert baden-powell, the founder of the boy scouts in great britain. the movement has its own law, motto and slogan (all very similar to those of the british boy scouts) and aims to teach values of honesty, courage and compassion through a variety of activities.
The purple heart medal was created in 1782 by george washington, the continental army’s commander-in-chief. at that time, washington only awarded the purple heart, credited as a badge of military merit, to three soldiers of the revolutionary war. only when world war i ended, was the awarding of the purple heart once again proposed. the purple heart badge is received directly from the president.
The paramount theatre was a famous cinema which has become a landmark building in times square, new york city. also a noted venue for live performance, it is now an office and commercial building. it was also known for having one of the largest ever wurlitzer theatre organs in the world providing music during the silent film era.
What did the royal bedrooms look like? did the queen live in the lap of luxury while at sea? get aboard the royal yacht britannia in edinburgh's historic port leith to see for yourself.
The legend of noah's flood was developed out of flood legends current in the first millenium b.c, and was probably a conflation of different legends. some scholars think that the source of the legend may be the flooding of the black sea in 5,600, but others have speculated that the legend might have been based on floodings in mesopotamia.
Esv means english standard version. it is an attempt to present the bible as accurately as possible, in a comprehensible language. it has gone through a series of printings because of its popularity in evangelical circles. it has given rise to certain study bibles and materials derived from it, but there have been recent criticisms of its language. this article gives you an insight of the esv bible.
Are you one of the hundreds of millions of people who have decided to give any war films or army movies the cold shoulder? or is it quite simply a question of liking war movies as long as they are not iraq war movies or have anything to do with the afghanistan war? certainly, many pundits like to point out the relative box-office failures of this genre of film. but are they right? this article will attempt to find out.
The new york times newspaper has a rich tapestry of editorial history. the newspaper has embarked on various media ventures, maintained a competitive readership, has adapted to and pioneered changes in regard to how print journalism is produced and obtained.
This article looks at the what the discovery institute is and what work it does.
The wiccan rule of three is a teaching that your actions return to you threefold, particulary if they are magical actions. it is not a belief universally agreed among wiccans, as it is not specifically stated in the wiccan rede. there are various interpretations of this rule, some of which see it as a kind of karma. this article provides you with an overview of the wiccan rule of three.
We are all affected by crime. crime is everywhere we look, everywhere we go, and even when we turn on the television we see shows and movies about crime. wanting to live in a crime free society may be a little unrealistic, but becoming knowledgeable about crimes and the various kinds of crimes being committed will help us become more diligent in trying to prevent crimes in our community.
The united kingdom juvenile justice system is intended to provide a procedure for trying youngsters accused of crimes, with the intention of preventing recurrence. it consists of a set of rules for the investigation and interviews of juveniles. the youth justice system includes juvenile courts, which operate under a set of rules designed to ensure that justice is done to juveniles
There are various forms of power. one is physical power, which is essentially energy in its various manifestations, range from electricity to raw nuclear energy through the muscle power of animals. there is also mental power, the ability to solve problems at a speed, which is rooted in the physical energy of the brain. there is also political power. this article will provide information on power.
Werewolves belong to germanic mythology, and sightings in europe have decreased with the decline of pagan belief over the last few centuries. there has been a spate of sightings mainly in the usa (generally in dark and confused conditions) for which there have been some explanations. this article discusses the phenomenon of werewolf sightings.