A guide to different world map pictures
Maps are not only important for finding directions, but also for illustrating many other things such as traffic, population density, terrain and a variety of socio-economic factors such as literacy, life expectancy and infant mortality which can be plotted against it. In this article, I detail the best world maps.
Traveler IQ Challenge
Traveler IQ Challenge This is an online game available on Facebook and elsewhere whereby the player has to pin-point different cities and landmarks on a global map. The points scored are based upon speed and accuracy. The main game has 12 levels in which the players scores and must get a certain score in order to progress up the levels which are increasingly hard. The last two ‘expert’ levels are devilishly hard as they require a good knowledge of the pacific islands! Different modes There are also many different challenges such as the ones which are specific to continents and the ones whereby you have to pin-point places based on images of flags or landmarks. This is a great way to learn about the world in a fun and competitive way. Many play the game on Facebook with around 10% of personal Facebook friends on the leader board.
Google Maps and directions
Google Maps Google Map is also a great place to find world maps and local maps. The scale goes from four different globe maps on the same screen to a mere distance of around 200 metres on the whole screen. The maps can also be tailored to show traffic density (live and general), terrain, photos, videos and public transport and bicycling routes. This can all be done in either a standard earth map or a satellite view. The later option is very impressive. However, together with Google Street View, it has been at the center of much controversy for its supposedly Orwellian implications and invasion of privacy. Directions Google Maps is also a very good place to look for directions, as are AA maps and Multimap. Taking in account the different traffic systems and traffic works, they all provide maps to millions of places.
Maps of World
Maps of World
The Maps of World website (Mapsofworld.com) is one of the leading map sites on the web which provides 800 different maps of the world. They range from your basic geographic maps to an old world map, to physical maps, to statistic maps and to picture maps for kids. There are also maps of individual countries in which travel games and various other travel information such as travel blogs, best hotels and holiday information are available.