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A guide to writing a song for someone

The history of songwriting stretches back many years at least 60 to 100,000 years ago. Whether songs became spoke speech or after is up for debate, but what is certain is that it is one of the earliest forms of communication. Writing songs for people is an old tradition also, perhaps beginning with songs honouring leaders or loved ones. To create your own song for someone can be a way of expressing how you feel.

Ideas for songs

The first step is gathering together ideas for songs. You can write a list of things that you wish to cover in the song, such as details about the person, your emotions and anything else that you can think of. Begin organising your thoughts into a poem or some form that will fork for you.It is up to you whether you wish to include a chorus in the song. When you have honed your words to the form that you like, go on to the next step.

Old songs

The next step is to think about the music (though this step can be done first if you prefer). The music is an important part of the song, for this is how your words will be conveyed. Using old or existing songs There is a long history in songwriting of using old or existing songs for your song. This can be a fun process - finding the perfect tune that will fit your words. You may find that you will have to tweak your words to fit the music. The words of the existing song can help you to figure out how your own words will need to be set. Once you have the words set to the music which you have chosen, practice the song until you feel comfortable performing it. If you prefer to make up your own songs, then go on to the next step.

Made up songs

Making up your own songs and music can be a more difficult, though arguably a more rewarding experience. The music, like the words, will be yours, and therefore a true expression of you. Once you have your words, you may find that the music comes pretty quickly. Even if it does not, the experience of composing the music will develop as you work on the song. Practice the song until you feel comfortable and perform it. Make sure that you write the song and music down so that you won't forget it.

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