Category "Literature"
Kate morgan is the american author of coming through with grace, an unusual love story. published in 2003, it tells the true life story of the devastating collapse of her marriage due to her husband’s addiction and how she overcame it.
Stig of the dump is a classic children's novel. this article explores all the concepts, themes and features included in the story.
Women's health magazine is published ten times a year in the usa and it is all about women's lifestyle. this piece reviews the magazine's content and how to subscribe to it.
Latin is the ancient language of the romans. it is relatively difficult to translate english into latin as it does not correspond grammatically to modern languages. this article gives you some basic hints and tips to help you translate simple phrases into latin.
Agatha christie - arguably the greatest crime writer of all time. she has created some of the most recognisable and memorable characters to ever hit our shelves and screens. we all know about her characters and mysteries; but what do you know about agatha christie the mother and wife?
Carnegie, one of the richest people in the world, is most famous for the many libraries he helped to establish both within and outside the u.s.
Seattle weekly is a freely distributed weekly newspaper in seattle, washington, united states. it was founded by darrell oldham and david brewster. originally called the weekly, it was first published on 31 march 1976, and since then the paper has prided itself in following the upwards trajectory of seattle's cultural transformation. read on to find more information about this newspaper.
Richard rahl, also known as richard cypher, is the principal character in the series of books called the sword of truth, written by terry goodkind. the sword of truth books are situated in the fantasy genre, so they naturally take place in their own unique world. this world is called the new world. richard cypher is given the title seeker of truth by the wizard zeddicus zu'l zorander in the first novel of the series, "wizard's first rule". here are some details of richard's life.
Lois lowry, an american writer, deals with the plight of the danish people during the second world war as they strove to help their jewish population escape the nazi death camps. this bleak story, from an age that we hope will never return, is seen through the eyes of two children. this essay is not meant as a study guide but just as an introduction to a wonderful story.
'the newark advertiser' is a weekly british regional newspaper, owned by advertiser group newspapers. it serves the town of newark-on-trent in nottinghamshire and the surrounding areas.
A taste of home magazine is america's preferred cookery and lifestyle magazine, specialising in sharing home-cooked recipes handed down from generation to generation. this piece explains the numerous subscription options.
Short stories are often seen as a good place to start for new writers, as they provide a useful grounding in the craft of writing. however, while writing a piece of short fiction is one thing, creating an inspirational story is difficult to pull off. here are some pointers for writers looking to take their work to the next level.
Book distribution is the process of making books available for sale and all the ensuing processes that need to be undertaken such that the book in question sells well. in this article, i will explore these processes, who the best book distributors in the uk are and how these companies distribute their books.
Who pays the ferryman? first appeared as a bbc television series starring jack hedley in 1977. unusually, only later did the creator publish the work in book form. in this article, it is that literary version of the story that we are mainly interested in. so, let's start with a review of who pays the ferryman? by michael j. bird.
This guide is written with new writers, artists, inkers and colourers in mind who wish to break into the graphic novel and/or comic book market.