A guide to writing stories for children
Learn how to write for children by entering their world and thinking like them. How do you construct the body text and what do you do to prompt yourself? Get the answers here.
How to write for children
Think like a child In writing books for kids, it is beneficial if you can see from their point of view. This way, the story makes more sense to them and it can open up an avenue for you in your imagination too (This is useful for story writing). Therefore, it can be a good idea to get a child to write instead because you have the advantage of your level of maturity and writing skill. Teach children writing By teaching writing to children, you get more than a glimpse into their world. You can see how it works and what makes it work. The children can learn from you and you can learn from them. See for yourself, this will be first-hand kids' writing. If you are a writer, being a teacher may be a natural extension for you. If writing is what you are passionate about, teach it. Iit is one of the best ways to learn for free.
How to write the body
Words, sentences and paragraphs Simple words are more effective as it makes your story become clearer. Avoid long sentences as these lead to vagueness and you can lose the reader in his growing boredom. A combination of sentences of varying lengths works best because it breaks the monotony by creating more tonality. When you write in this way, your paragraphs will naturally vary in length too. All this not only generates more interest within the story format but it also enhances readability because it helps the eyes to track. Use lots of dialogues This isn't a rule but it gives the story more interest by generating more interactivity. The characters within the story get to interact more with each other and this is of course, felt by the reader.
How to prompt yourself
Get going with interesting writing activities. Whenever book writers need something to juice up their creativity, they turn to writing games. Try a game of persuasive words and text. Use your writing to make people do what you want them to do. If it works, it means that you have got the hang of the game and you will feel ready to write that story again.