A review of a Samsung flip phone
Whilst, there are many mobile phones available, there is often the question of whether a smartphone is really necessary versus a flip phone. One such flip cell phone to consider as your mobile device of choice is a Samsung phone. Here is a review of some of the positives and negatives of a Samsung cell flip phone.
A basic review of Samsung flip phones
Though both media and customers seem to have veered lately towards smartphones like the iPhone by Apple, regular flip phones are still in high demand and are very viable alternatives. Samsung flip phones, for example, are some of the highest mobile devices sold that still use more conventional buttons rather than a touch-screen. Flip phone capabilities Most modern Samsung flip phones have built-in keyboards that are specifically designed for texting, and they are also particularly efficient at sending electronic messages. They also receive excellent call service with high quality service providers like Verizon Wireless. Review of Samsung flip phones Whilst smartphones do offer many features and applications, some of the more recent mobile flip phones, such as the Samsung SCH-u740, still provide more than adequate text and call functioning. Overall, Samsung flip phones have received above-average reviews, being rated on a whole as an eight out of ten for performance.
Positive points
Pros · Samsung flip phones are very compact and can easily fit in jeans pockets. They also have a sleek, sturdy design. · Like most flip phones, the Samsung possesses a solid QWERTY keyboard for easy access to calling or texting. · For those people who are interested in self-expression, Samsung flip phones come in a variety of colours, such as black and pink mobile phones. · Music and other multimedia benefits can be easily accessed and downloaded on Samsung flip phones for consumer use.
Negative points
· Some reviews have stated that Samsung flip phones lack a reliable camera with a clear view.
· Samsung flip phones may compromise size for accuracy. The keyboard buttons have been reported as too small for texting at times.
· Though a few solid hours are guaranteed, the battery life of Samsung flip phones is lower than those of their smartphone competitors.
· Some reports indicate that Samsung mobile phones have an initially confusing screen layout for
first-time users to get accustomed to.