A review of "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz
"The Magic of Thinking Big" is a self-help book written in 1959, by David J. Schwartz. This book has been read by millions of people all over the world and it is now considered to be a classic. Read on to find out more about the basic premises of “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz.
The central principals of "The Magic of Thinking Big"
Believe you can succeed and you will
Positive beliefs are very important. You cannot achieve something when you believe that it is impossible. Positive thinking is not the same as wishful thinking. Positive beliefs can actually reshape your mindset and change the way that your brain processes thoughts and information.
It goes without saying that if you focus on all the reasons why you cannot do something, then you will increase the chances of failure. Likewise, if you focus on all the reasons why you can accomplish something, then your brain will start to look for solutions instead of problems. Thinking about successful conditions will allow your brain to create plans that produce success. This will help you to take all the right actions towards your goals.
Cure yourself of “Excusitis”
The majority of people make excuses about why they cannot succeed in life. The most common types of excuses are about health, age, intelligence and luck. Thinking that you do not have the energy or that you are not smart enough or you are not old enough to find success, does not make any sense. As far as luck is concerned, you make your own luck through commitment and hard work.
Think like a leader
The characteristics of great leaders include progressive thinking, being kind in every situation and using solitude from time to time in order to access inner creativity. Assimilating such characteristics will open your way to success.
Be friendly
It is important to be very friendly and to always take the initiative to introduce yourself to others at every opportunity. Avoid negative language and gossip. You must learn to accept human differences and to realise that people cannot be perfect. This can help you to avoid criticising people. People have a right to be different. Encouraging others to talk to you about their opinions, views and accomplishments can help you to become more likeable. In this way, you can form new relationships, win support and increase your chances of achieving success.