All about: Cartwheel Arts
Cartwheel Arts is located in Lancashire. It is a private company as categorised by Welfare Organisations and Social Service. The private company's mission is to promote "social inclusion, cohesion, diversity and regeneration through community participation in vibrant, innovative, high-quality arts projects." Cartwheel Arts has a history of over 20 years in Lacashire. It received funding from Link4Life, Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust, Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities, Arts Council England, and soon by Rochdale MBC.
Stronger Communities
The first project is Stronger Communities. This project reflects Cartwheel Arts interest in its experience "of building links within and between communities, and in using the arts to enhance the process of regeneration." Some of the projects in this category are events, intergenerational work breaking down "barriers and misunderstanding between old and young people" by encouraging communication, and pooling experience and skills between communities. Festivals Through Cartwheel Arts, festivals are held during holiday breaks which offer participation in arts, a celebration of communities and more. It provides a destination for people who wish to take their holidays in the area as well as the inhabitants of the communities.
Youth and Diversity
The next project is Youth and Diversity. In this project, Cartwheel Arts works with youth through many art forms as well as delivers projects with minority ethnic and black communities. These two halves of the project often overlap. One of the events offered through this project was a dance off which was described as "a gripping tale of the rivalry between two dance crews."
You Live and Learn
You Live and Learn is the third project which Cartwheel Arts provides. Through this project, the company seeks to promote the arts, especially participatory arts, both on a voluntary and professional level.
All Well & Good
The fourth project is All Well & Good. This project has two halves: Art for
Well-being which offers art classes to adults who possess "mild and moderate mental health issues." The other half of the project is called At and Soul.
This project is a "group of adults with mental health issues who live or work in the Rochdale Borough." It is participant-run and includes trips to the Manchester Art Museum, a trip to a Yorkshire Sculpture Park, as well as other trips and activities.