All about: Mount Olive college
Mount Olive College is a private, church-sponsored higher education institution situated in the American state of North Carolina. Founded in the mid-20th Century, the college's ethos is deeply rooted in its ongoing and proud links with the church, the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists, a free-will Baptist sect with strong connections to the state of North Carolina.
History and location
Mount Olive College was chartered in 1951 and opened a year later, under the supervision of Reverend Lloyd Vernon, at Cragmont Assembly, who until that point had been a free-will Baptist retreat near Black Mountain. The institution's original name was Mount Allen Junior College, deriving its name from a mountain located close to Cragmont.
Mount Olive College
In late 1953, the college moved to Mount Olive, with the motivation behind this switch of location being a desire to locate the school closer to where there are greater numbers of its sponsoring religion. The name became 'Mount Olive College' in 1956.
After almost a decade of dedicated work acting upon a request from the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists, the college receive its accreditation as a four-year college in 1986. The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools officially awarded the college its accreditation to award associate and baccalaureate degrees.
In 1975, the college began offering classes at Goldsboro, North Carolina at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Since then, the school has expanded steadily, opening five further campuses throughout the state. These are: New Bern, built in 1993, Wilmington, established in 1995, Research Triangle Park built in1997), Washington, constructed 2005, and Jacksonville, built most recently of the lot in 2009.
Mount Olive itself is a town in Wayne and Duplin counties in North Carolina. The population has been put at around 4500 people in recent surveys.
Learning and lifestyle
For administrative and academic purposes, Mount Olive College is divided into several schools, providing students with the opportunity to study for a range of degrees in different subject areas.
The School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Arts & Sciences is where students take courses such as History and Social Studies, and Language and Literature, as well as other arts and media-related programs. The Tillman School of Business administers classes in self-evidently, business and office-related courses, such as Accounting and Agribusiness.
The School of Professional Studies
The School of Professional Studies oversees the college's Teacher Education Program as well as Psychology and Criminal Justice. There are also Special Programs in Teacher Education and an Honours Program.