All about: Peninsula College
Are you looking for a college to begin your studies or to continue your education and improve your skills? Instead of searching hundreds of college pages on the web, you can start by reading the following article on the US Peninsula College. You will find all the interesting facts that you need to know about Peninsula College, as well as, a comprehensive guide for studying at the US college.
You will find Peninsula College situated in the United States of America, around the foothills of the Olympic National Mountains in Port Angeles, Washington, DC.
Peninsula College studies
The Adult Basic Education Program Peninsula college is widely known for its continuing education opportunities. The Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program offers basic academic and pre-occupational skills, emphasising on reading, writing, maths and computer education. The basic goal of the Adult Basic Education for students is to improve their employability and their personal knowledge and prepare them for college. In order to be admitted for the Adult Basic Education Programme, you have to be at least 16 years old. Arts and Sciences If you are interested in a degree in Arts and Sciences, the Peninsula College offers you a wide range of study opportunities. Some of the most popular studies in Peninsula College included courses in the fields of Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Communication Study and Journalism, Economics, Education, Geography, Geology, History, Integrated Studies, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Social Science, Sociology and a Technical Medical and a Dentist School. The BAS in Applied Management The Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management is one of the most popular Peninsula College programmes. It is a four-year degree, which qualifies applicants to apply for MBA degrees.
Peninsula College library
Peninsula College owns a library where you can find almost anything which you need for your studies. You can, of course, visit the library and find what you need, but Peninsula College library also gives you the opportunity to order a book or an article online. A librarian will always be there to help you and even, if you cannot find what you want, the librarian will search it for you and request it from another library.