All about: The Camera Shop
The Camera shop is a one stop online photography shop for everything to do with the photography and lens industry. Their products range from surveillance equipments to photo printers and night vision weapon attachments. The ship is used by everyone from Divers to bird watchers and its diversity is what sets it apart from other online photographic shops.
Most popular products
Video camera As you would expect from an online retailer, they not only stock the equipment for the niche markets but they also stock things like camcorders, video cameras but not Sony DV camcorders. So if you are looking for Sony camcorder deals, then you should look elsewhere. They do though stock other products that are involved in video photography. Cameras for video contribute to a large part of their sales which may have something to do with the growing popularity of the digital HD camcorder which is taking over from DV digital camcorders. Spy surveillance equipment Security Cameras for UK businesses are also supplied and can be fitted discreetly as spy tracking devices so that cameras for surveillance can be hidden from view. The spy security camera or spy video cameras are becoming very popular for use at home as perhaps a car security camera or for home surveillance.
Traditional photography and non-traditional equipment
Names like Jacobs cameras and Jessops cameras are well-known in the traditional SLR and used SLR camera market but oddly enough, they are nowhere to be found when looking over the You can though find popular manufacturers like Pentax, Fuji, Olympus and Ricoh as well as photographic printers or camera printers that are compatible with these big names. Photographic printers and accessories As well as photographic printers, you can find some night vision lens that might look more at home in a military supplies store than a photography supply shop. The weapon attachments and range finders that are stocked would look at home in a military school for snipers. Wet weather photography As for diving equipment or wet weather photography, there is everything from camera rain capes for wet weather photography to water tight enclosures for under water camera work. These are designed to protect from salt as well as water.