Cool games to play online
While video games were once only found in arcades and on home computers, literally thousands of games can now be played for free online. This article looks at some of the best online games and where you can play them. Hours of fun is guaranteed.
Internet gaming
The internet has become home for some great and more importantly free games and the number of sites that offer games to play online has greatly increased over the past few years. Here are just a few of the best games.
Pub favourites online
Pool has long been a favourite pub game but “8 ball quick fire pool” from Mini clip is a great online alternative. It’s simple and easy to play using just your mouse to strike the cue ball. This game also has a multiplayer option where you can play against other players from all over the world. Another fun game which can also be found on the Mini clip site, is Cactus McCoy, a side scrolling beat-em-up platform game where you play the eponymous hero of the title battling an array of bad guys. It’s a great old fashioned game that offers hours of fun.
Arcade classics
For those who prefer their games of the classic variety, many websites such as offer flash versions of arcade classics that can be played for free online. While the level of game play and graphics may not impress younger gamers bought up on Xbox and Playstation, people of a certain age will remember these games with affection and relish the chance to play them once more. While on the subject of classic games, it is difficult to beat a game like Tetris for sheer enjoyment and addictiveness. It may be almost thirty years old and it may be a very simple game that just involves slotting different shaped blocks together, but it has achieved a worldwide popularity that has never really been matched by any other game and you can now play it for free online. It will give you hours of fun guaranteed.
Everyone loves zombies, right? Well if you do, the third instalment of the ever popular SAS Zombie rampage is here. This top down shoot-em-up has the same premise as the previous two installments; shoot everything that moves. The graphics have been improved upon, it still plays great and although it does take longer to load, it’s worth the wait, there’s no greater guilty pleasure than blowing zombies to pieces.