Five funny 'beware of the dog' signs
Some dog owners choose to warn others about the presence of their dog by displaying funny 'beware of the dog' signs. Here is a selection of the funniest signs around at the moment.
Dogs on guard
The funniest among dog warning signs is the one warning trespassers that they will be eaten, to be followed by their remains being prosecuted. Although this is usually accompanied by the image of a large dog, one of these gate signs was spotted featuring the tiniest puppy, making it even funnier. Many signs indicating the presence of a guard dog feature the image of a dog, usually the breed in question, wearing a uniform and either standing by or giving the impression of marching to and fro in front of a sentry box. The sign featuring a Chihuahua and telling visitors to watch out for the beast roaming the premises is sure to make people die of laughter, rather than fear. This sign has also been seen showing a Yorkshire Terrier wearing a pink bow in her hair, a sight meant to scare visitors.
Warning of messy business
Rather than choosing to warn visitors of the animal itself, some owners draw the attention of their visitors to the ground, or rather the results of their dog pooping. One such sign warns of possible landmines, accompanied by an image of a dog doing his business. A sign on display in a park asks people not to empty their dog's business on the grass, a refreshing change from the usual 'no dogs' signs found in public places. Instead of ruling out dogs altogether, it points out where to go to find scoops and bags. Pet signs are not restricted to warnings about dogs, as many cat signs clearly indicate. The funniest one here has got to be the one announcing that a lunatic cat is roaming about. Though often simply announced by the words, usually in French, it also frequently features an image of a rather demented, often inanely grinning cat. Some animal signs combine the two, such as the one warning about a dog on guard, for instance, while featuring a large lion poking his head around a corner. Another sign shows a box with various lumps, which is presented such that it appears to be moving. It is meant to be a tip for moving house, and states that one should avoid packing dogs and cats in the same box.