Five funny office pranks
It doesn't have to be April Fools day to play tricks on your fellow office workers. Any time is a good time to use humour to break up the nine to five monotony of the office and raise a smile behind the computer monitors. Here are five great ideas for office pranks.
Five funny prank ideas
Pranks and practical jokes have long been part of office humour. Here are five great jokes and pranks to play on your co-workers. 1. Go into Microsoft Word or similar program on a co-worker's PC, and add an entry to the AutoCorrect feature. Configure the AutoCorrect option to replace the word "the" with another phrase. Your co-worker will panic and start scanning for viruses. 2. With someone who is on the phone a lot during work, take the handset apart and put sellotape over the mouthpiece inside. They will have to talk loud to be heard. The next day take it off, and put the tape in the earpiece and they will be yelling at the person on the other end. 3. A fun and relatively harmless jape is to plunge a colleague's stapler or computer mouse in jelly. They will note that they are missing something - thats because you've dumped it into jelly liquid. When the jelly is set, put it onto a plate complete with stapler or computer mouse and return to the victim triumphantly stating "I found it!" 4. A classic office joke is to switch the characters of a colleagues keyboard round. When they return to their desk, they will grow enormously frustrated as they try to type words which come up as complete gobbledygook on their screens. 5. Wrapping everything in aluminum foil seems to be the top prank idea. It can cost a bit to buy all those rolls of foil and it will take time to carefully wrap it round desks, chairs, computer screens, waste paper bins- in fact every item within your colleagues office space!
Prank sites
If you need fresh inspiration for funny work jokes, there are many ideas for office pranks on the web with some great photographs and accompanying videos depicting real-life pranks,
Keep it fun
The important thing is to remember that when playing jokes on others, you should keep it fun. Office pranks are intended to break up the boredom, coupled with an office- patrolled by an ever present boss. Don't be cruel with your jokes and don't play pranks on those who really wouldn't understand the joke as it could be misinterpreted as a form of bullying. You need to understand the office etiquette before you are tempted to play silly pranks.