How caller ID can be blocked
Have you ever wanted to be able to call someone without giving out your phone number, that can many times be used to figure out your personal address, etc? This article will explore how you can do that efficiently and cost effectively.
Blocking others from seeing your number/ID
The first section of this article concerns how to block other people from seeing your number. The process for this, contrary to blocking other people from calling you, is actually quite simple.
The process
Depending on whether you live, this process will vary. If you live in the UK, all you need to do is dial "141" before the number you are trying to reach. For example, if you are trying to call the phone number 555-5555, you would dial: 141-555-5555, and your number would show up as blocked.
Note that the person who you are calling may be able to tell that you are specifically blocking them from seeing your number. If you live in the US, just dial "*69" before the number.
Note that you must dial the "141" or "*69" before dialling the phone number. Doing it after the fact will not allow you to remain anonymous.
Other services you can use
In addition to what is listed above, there are many other ways to be able to block your caller ID from being shown. Using skype In case you have not heard of it, Skype is a very popular online phone service. Located at, it is an anonymous calling service (though your IP is recorded) that does not force you to use your phone number. Note that unless you pay, you will be stuck with using a shared number, or an online address. On an IPhone If you use an IPhone that is Internet enabled, you should check out the App Store with the keyword "caller ID hider". There are many cheap and free apps that will accomplish this. Additional warnings Note that even if you "make yourself anonymous", the government can still easily find out who is calling. None of this information should be used for criminal purposes. Additionally, some certain providers and phones do not allow certain anonymity techniques, so always be sure to test it out before using.