How do you make a website?
Many people have this crazy notion that creating their own website will be simple and quick. Regrettably, this is an unrealistic outlook. To set up a web page takes considerable time and effort. Equally frustrating are the ill-informed individuals who believe it can be achieved for free. It costs money - not a lot - but money nonetheless.
Getting started
Buying a web address
First things first, it is vital to buy a web address. Simply put, a web address is known technically as a domain name - the name of your website. This gives you an identity and your own space in the big wide world of the internet. This costs money, yet is easy to purchase. You simply go to a web hosting site (such as and type your desired address. You may need to adjust this if it is too common or not individual enough.
Planning your design
Having done this, you can then get planning your design. With web hosts, they tend to offer you - for a small fee - the opportunity to purchase a very handy template program whereby various templates are provided to help and assist you in the creation of your site. This is extremely useful and highly advised.
Designing your site
Having opted for the much needed template program, you can then set about creating your personal web page. Be it personal or for business, the options are often well varied and suitable for all kinds of genre.
Initially you choose a basic design (i.e. colour, theme, font...) in which to built your site around. Then comes the personalised touch. You then get to mould the headers and content as you wish.
Maintaining a web host template
The great thing about using a web host's template is that it is easy to maintain and update. You merely log in and make changes whenever you wish. You remain safe in the knowledge that nobody else can change it. You have total control and absolutely no interference occurs. The page is completely your own and run solely by you.
Alternatively, the more difficult method would involve coding. Coding is the method whereby you code an entire text into a document, then copy it onto a web page. However, the issues with this are that you are limited to basic design - unless of course you are computer trained - and it takes more time to update.
Author's advice
My main advise would be to keep things simple. Take advantage of cheap deals that include a template service and enjoy changing and dictating your own personal web space.