A guide to winning video contests
Video contests are creative ways to get a message about a subject out. These competitions can range from serious to silly, and have the ability to draw people together. While some may join these contests for fun, others join in order to win. These individuals will benefit from the guide to winning video contests that is found in this article.
Know and understand the rules
Knowing the rules Before entering a contest, an individual needs to make sure that he knows the rules. These guidelines will tell an individual if he is eligible to participate in the competition. If, for example, a video contest is only open to people between the ages of 12 - 16, a 17-year old person, who has not read the rules may waste his time making a video. Understand Understanding the rules means that a person entering a contests knows what the contest is about. A person who enters a competition should understand what the contest is about and what tone of video is expected from him. A winning competition video about education South-east Asia, for example, should not cover the subject of education in Latin America.
Be creative
Think outside of the box, when planning and shooting your film. Stay away from clichés unless a point is being made. If needed, use the help of friends and family. Ask for their ideas and go with the most original. In your quest for originality, do not go so over the top that it is cheesy. This will not come across as creative but as a desperate attempt to win the competition.
Tell a story
Tell a story with your film. Make sure that your storyline is consistent, compelling and draws the audience from the first moment. Have a climax in the story and conclude it in a way that will let people remember the message of your video. Let those whom you trust see the video before you submit it to the film competition.
Turn in the best work possible
Practice the story as needed before you shoot the film. Write out a script, if need be, and give it to anyone who is performing in the film, so that lines can be memorised. If the video is not as good as expected, re-shoot it. Make sure that your video falls within the time guidelines which are stated in the rules. The chances of winning the competition are improved if a person's best work is submitted.