How to cope when all my sons are moving out
Empty nest syndrome can be a very difficult time for a woman. She has given her time and energy to creating warm, happy home filled with the hustle and bustle of a growing family and suddenly the house is empty and her role as homemaker is redundant.
Dealing with change
Empty nest
Dealing with the change in the household can be difficult. Women are often heard complaining that "all my sons are moving out".
After twenty or more years with a growing family and all the work and fun that they involve, the home is back to just the two of you gain.
The fridge will remain full, the laundry basket will no longer overflow and your hallway will not be filled with large shoes, trainers, muddy boots and sundry sports equipment.
No more big meals
Your time will also be your own and all the hours you spent making man-sized meals will no longer be required.
The house will seem very empty without the constant flow of friends and
girl friends dropping by.
These changes can be very difficult to deal with, but you need to accept that once your sons move out, you have successfully completed an important chapter of your life.
End of a chapter
You may well shed a tear or two for the little boys you have lost, but console yourself with the knowledge that you have raised decent, hard working men who can take their own place in the world.
Embrace the change
Remember to consult the help of moving and storage companies so that you do not have to go through the painful task of organising your sons' leftover clothes and furniture yourself.
More time for you
Since you now have plenty of free time, this stage of life is an excellent time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill.
If you work, you will find that you have more opportunities to socialize with colleagues or get involved in projects.
If you are at home, take up an activity you will enjoy.
Painting, book clubs, walking, learning a new language or even embarking on a degree course are a few activities that will keep you occupied.
This will also give you the "me time" that you deserve so much.
Make them proud
What's more, your sons will be proud of their mum's new pursuits and your new activities will bring up more topics of conversation for you to chat about when they come around for a visit.