How to dance in a club?
Your ability to dance in a club can make or break your evening. Dance like a fool and people will think your an idiot. Dance too well and though people might be impressed to start with, you may come across as being too good. So which is the perfect way to dance in a club?
The boys
When it comes to dancing in clubs, lads can be very hit and miss. A guy dancing can be very attractive to women if he is very good. However, it can also attract goading from other men in clubs if he doesn't pull off the right kind of moves. The best kind of dancing a guy can do in a club is hip-hop or street dance. This kind of dancing tends to be impressive to both sexes and can really get you noticed for the right reasons. As a guy, if you know that you are not a great dancer, it is important not to take yourself too seriously on the dance floor because people will notice.
The girls
Girls can get away with a lot more types of dancing than guys. It's probably best to stay away from pre-planned dance routines as this could lead to getting stuck but generally, any kind of dancing, no matter how silly or sexy, is acceptable in a club. When it comes to simply dancing with mates, girls tend to dance in a silly manner and enjoy messing around, whilst when it comes to attracting the guys, sexy dancing can also work. However, dancing too sexily can be a turn-off for guys because nobody likes a show-off!
How to improve those dance moves
For those looking to polish up their dance moves, this is the best way to do it. Watching dance DVDs, especially of the disco or street dancing variety, are highly recommended. If splashing out on DVDs isn't for you, then video websites such as YouTube are good places to look up videos for dance moves online.
It is definitely true to say that when it comes to dancing, practice makes perfect. After a few nights out, you will soon come to terms with which sort of dancing best suits you.