How to delete history in internet explorer
When a person browses an internet, all items viewed by him get saved locally on the harddisk drive. This helps computer experts to get a fair idea about what all websites a person views in a particular day or time span. To maintain web surfing privacy, computer users have option to delete history which clears the record of visited websites.
Deleting history in Internet Explorer
Deleting history from the computer memory is an easy process provided a person knows how to delete it. Assorted below are the steps need to follow for deleting history from various internet browsers. For clearing the history, open “Tools” menu and select “Internet Option” tab in it. After that, select the option of “Browsing History” and click “Delete” button. Make sure to click on delete button after selecting “History” option in the dialogue that pops up. In order to exercise the option of clearing history every time a person closes internet explorer, enable “Delete browsing history on exit' option under “browsing history”.
Deleting history in Firefox and Chrome
Deleting History in Firefox For deleting history in Firefox browser, select “Option” tab in “Tool” options. After that click on “Privacy tab”. In that tab, one section will show “do you want to clear your recent history”. Click on “Clear” button. The section has choices to clear history for last two hours, last 4 hours or for today. Choose the option as per your convenience and then select clear button. Deleting History in Chrome The Chrome follows the same process of Firefox for deleting the history. First of all, go the “Menu” of chrome which is indicated by “Tool icon”. After that go in “Tools” and from there in “clear browsing history” option. After selecting the browsing history option, select the time span in the drop down menu for which you want to delete the history and select clear button. Deleting history in various browsers is an easy and less time consuming process. The procedure for deleting the history in Internet Explorer and Firefox is different. So, follow the relevant procedure for clearing the history.