How to draw Eiffel Tower pictures
One of the most famous and instantly-recognisable landmarks in the world is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is also one of the most beautiful, at least as far as man-made structures are concerned. Its design construction replete with intricate patterns has made it a favourite of Paris images for artists since its originally conception. So why not have a go at drawing it yourself? The execution may appear a little daunting, but this guide will show you how in a few simple steps.
A simple triangle to start
Start by sketching a simple triangle. Then dissect the triangle with a single line going through the middle from top to bottom. The bottom line of the triangle should extend a little at each end to suggest the background.
The basic structure
Next, sketch in three sets of horizontal lines (shown here in red) and draw a small arch at the top. Add the structure lines gradually, these should be draw at slightly narrower angles to the original triangle. Finally for this step, add the thin rectangles as shown by drawing two sets of vertical lines.
More detail
Next begin to add more detail by firstly adding the two vertical lines under the arch and then connecting to the tip through a single horizontal line. Continue to add the lines, again shown in red, as the structure begins to take shape. Then sketch in the arch at the bottom tier of the tower. You can then to continue to add vertical lines the whole way up the structure to create thin rectangles. The rectangles should become wider the lower you go, the final two tiers should have three rectangles each, the top tier about fifteen. Finally, here you can begin adding the background by suggesting a few shrubs and bushes at the base of the tower.
The supports
Dissect each of the sections with double horizontal lines to add detail to the supports. You can then begin to fill in each of the supports by adding cross shapes into each of the rectangles. Next outline the lowest rectangle for emphasis and begin adding more detail to the bushes and shrubs using several curly lines.
Shading and polishing
Finish the job by adding more detail and shading until you get the results you want. Remember, you may not get it right first time so keep practising until you do.