How to get cheap airfares to New Zealand
Flying from the United Kingdom to New Zealand takes approximately 24 hours. Most international flights land at New Zealand’s capital, Auckland, from where you can travel on to other destinations. The following is a guide to how to get cheap airfares to New Zealand.
Compare prices
Prices vary considerably and it’s a good idea to shop around for the best deal. Dedicated websites You can search online with dedicated websites which locate the best airfares to New Zealand. Remember that flight costs change on a daily, if not on an hourly basis. Travel agents Travel agents can also offer good deals, especially if you’re also booking accommodation and transfers. Look for travel agents who specialise in long-haul travel for the cheapest flights offers for your New Zealand trip. Airlines If you’ve got time to spare before booking, sign up for the email lists of all the airlines that fly to New Zealand. They often offer short-term discounts and sales if you’re prepared to be flexible.
Be flexible
Certain days of the week are more expensive than others and it’s usually cheaper to fly on weekdays. In addition, some airlines don’t operate flights every day of the week. Flights to New Zealand tend to be more expensive over peak periods such as Christmas, New Year and Easter. The cheapest months of the year are July and August. Stopovers Flying directly to New Zealand may not be the cheapest way to travel and arranging a stopover could reduce the total price of the flights. Make sure that you leave enough time between arrival and departure to negotiate passport control and any security queues.
Credit cards
If you pay for your NZ flights by credit card, the Consumer Credit Act protects your payment. If the airline subsequently goes into liquidation, the credit card company will refund your money. Be aware, though, that most travel agents and airlines charge an extra fee for credit card payments.
Round-the-world tickets
It can sometimes be cheaper to buy a round-the-world ticket than to book a return flight from the UK to New Zealand. Check the terms and conditions carefully to ensure that the ticket offers you the flexibility and routes that you need.