How to get cheap last minute air travel
So, you have either delayed your travelling plans or have made the decision late to go on a vacation. Moreover, you are on a budget and need tickets for cheap. Do not panic. Here, we will learn how to get cheap last minute air travel from the UK.
Decide if you want to go
Yes or no Make your decision. Carefully consider whether you truly want to go.
Decide when you want to go
How soon will you leave? Make your decision as to when you want to go. It is assumed that you will be travelling within the next month, because you are looking for last minute cheap bookings.
Start researching
Starting your research Decide what area of the world you want to go to. Know that the further away from the UK a given place is, the more you will end up paying for a last minute flight booking from the UK. Plane tickets for trips to Hawaii from England, for example, will be more expensive than a flight to Paris.
Be flexible with dates
Keep flexible dates Be flexible with your travel dates. It can save you hundreds of pounds.
Be flexible with destinations
Consider many travel locations Vegas trips, Jamaican vacations or getaways to Cyprus are all options. Compare airfares, prices on holiday hotels at websites and compare overall travel prices.
Check travel sites
Search multiple online travel providers For information on which websites to check for cheap last minute bookings,check these websites: Lastminute UK Focused on last minute city breaks, this UK travel site specialises in finding last minute deals for UK travellers. This site is international and has its own section for searching last minute deals. If you are flexible with where you want to go, then this is a good site to visit. Kayak You can compare a wide range of sites at once on Kayak.
Do a comparison
Make a chart of various travel offers from different sites
Consider price, location, your own personal interests and what your idea is "my ideal travel" for holidays. Get out a big white board and make a chart; consider the pros and cons of each and make a decision you feel comfortable with. If you are looking to charter a plane flight for your vacation, expect to spend a lot of money; charter flights are quite pricey, especially if booked last minute.
Before Buying
Before you purchase
See if signing up to be a member of the website you plan to purchase your air tickets from will save you money. Sites like Expedia often give discounts to members.
Buy the ticket
Buy your air tickets. Use your miles number or airline credit card if applicable. This could save you money in the long run.
Leave for your destination
Board the plane and go!