How to get free ringtones sent to your phone
Ringtones are always fun to mess around with and play with, but all that fun goes away once you find out that you have to pay for that ringtone. Not all ringtones cost money and there are a number of ways that you can get free ringtones sent to your phone. With these steps, you will be able to get all of your favourite songs on ringtones.
Create a account
The account Use your computer to go to Once you are there, click on the green button on the top of the page that says "Sign Up." This will allow you to sign up for an account. Fill out all of the fields correctly. Phonezoo gives you the option of including your personal information, like your name and a photo, but that is optional. Signing up using the Facebook account You can also choose to sign up with the site using your Facebook account. Just click on the "Login with Facebook" button to use this method. Once you have filled in all fields, click on "Sign up" to successfully create an account. delivery settings
Retrieving the ringtone There are a number of ways in which you can receive a free ringtone. One of these ways includes using the Internet on your phone to retrieve it. This may result in you being charged extra depending on what carrier and data plan you have. Changing the delivery settings Therefore, you can opt to have the ringtones sent to you from as a text message. To do this, go to "My zoo" and then go to "Delivery settings". Now, change the delivery method so that it is set to "Multimedia message with an attachment."
Find a ringtone
Searching the ringtone
Use the search bar on the top right hand corner to search for the mobile ringtone that you want. Once you find the ringtone that you want, click on it. Use the "Play" button to listen to the ringtone and make sure that this is the one that you want.
Send ringtone to phone
Process of sending the ringtone to the phone You no longer have to buy ringtones. All you have to do is click on the "Send to Phone" button. Make sure that you are logged in as you do this so that the site knows where to send the ringtone to. The tone will be sent to your phone as a text message. Open the message and click on "Save attachment" and then, select "Apply as ringtone" to use your newly downloaded ringtone.