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How to get free voice mail services

You can get free voice messages by signing up for a voice mailbox from YouMail or Google Voice. Google Voice gives you a free number so people can call you, and YouMail has funny voicemail greetings. Both services are free and offer online voicemail. Youmail has extra features like text message transcriptions of your voicemail. These are fee based services. The article below shows you how to get free voice mail services.

Youmail Voice Mail

One of the best free services for voicemail messages is YouMail. You can either call a phone number to listen to your messages, get email voicemail messages as mp3 files, or use the Youmail app to listen to your voicemail on your iPhone. Leaving messages via YouMail When people call your phone to leave answerphone messages, they will not realize that you are using Youmail. The voicemail service works just like a regular voicemail. You can use Youmail for multiple phones and numbers, and you call the same virtual switchboard to hear your free message. Each phone number has a password that you enter to hear your voicemail . You can also personalise your voicemail recordings.

Google Voice

If you have Gmail, you can get phone numbers for free from Google Voice. The Google voice electronic mail service includes voice mp3s sent as mail messages, as text transcriptions of your voicemail, or as a link that you can click on to listen to the phone voice mail message. You can choose from different greetings to use for your voicemail service. Re-directing callers Google's phone number can be redirected to your landline or mobile phone number. The Google Voice number becomes a hub for all of your numbers: you can choose if certain callers are directed to your voicemail or to different phones. Accessibility
If you want to leave your Google phone number at your child's school in case of an emergency, it will ring all of your phones if you choose that setting. Meanwhile, other callers will get voicemail because you can change your settings easily and quickly.
Final word Google Voice is quickly expanding, so free UK numbers will be available as the service moves forward. Your number can be anywhere in the available network, and calls are free to landline phones and Google Voice calls.

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