How to make photo birthday cards
Making birthday cards is great fun, and you can make them even more personal by adding in photos. Give them to family and friends in order to put a smile on their faces. This article will provide a guide to the making of photo birthday cards.
Getting started
First, choose some cards that are suitable for your birthday cards. Card comes in all colours, and you can also get patterned or print-effect card for something different. To print your own cards, you will have to make sure that your printer is able to print for a greater thickness than paper. Give it a trial-run first.
Even spacing
You can use Publisher or Word in order to create photo birthday cards. Remember, an A4 layout will be too big unless you do two pages at a time. On landscape view, the left side will be your back cover and the right will be your front cover. You can insert two columns so that they are evenly spaced.
Card design
Decide on the design of your card. You will want to insert your photo picture but what text do you want to use? A short birthday greeting will suffice on the front, and you can use the inside for a longer message. Consider using a border in order to frame the front cover, and think about any other images or shapes that you want to use.
The next stage
Make any changes to your photo on your computer before you insert it into your word or publisher document. You can take out red eyes, or sharpen up the image so as to make it clearer. If you have photo-changing software, you can make your photos even funnier by adding on silly hats, glasses or clothes. Faces can be changed to look like bugs or aliens, and your photos will then be ready to make someone smile. Insert your photo Insert the photo into your design, and re-size it till you are pleased with the way it looks. Consider using photo images on the inside of your card. You could have a picture of yourself or your family showing the recipient who sent the card instead of signing it. Go one step further by taking photos of your family holding up the photo greeting on pieces of card. Finish up by printing off a first copy, double-check it and make any necessary changes before printing off your personalised card.