How to select carp gear for fishing
If you are interested in carp fishing, then it is best to do your homework on just what is the best equipment for the job in hand. Most fishing shops will have a decent selection of rods and equipment best suited to carp fishing available.
Getting started
There are three basic types of carp rods: all through action, medium tip action and fast taper tip action. Rod selection depends on the distance being fished. How to select the type of carp rod needed? All through action is best at short distances. For greater but not extremely long distances, a medium action rod is a good choice because it has more power in toward the handle or butt.In the case of very long distances which require long casts, the fast tip action rod is recommended due to its power and capacity for handling the weight needed for successful distance casts. Determine your budget Once you select the type you want, determine your budget and buy the best quality rod you can. The cost of the rod will play a part in the quality of the material used for the blank as well as the quality of components like the line guides, the reel seat, and the butt and grip. You will find very acceptable carp fishing rods for around £50, with good rods ranging up to £125.
Other gear
Next up to consider is the reel. Be sure to consider the rod when choosing a reel for your carp gear. As many carp fishermen do, if you plan to use more than one rod, be sure to choose a "bait runner" type reel. This will allow the carp to run with the bait instead of pulling your fishing gear into the water if you are occupied managing another rod. A bait runner mechanism allows the line to be pulled from the reel with very little tension but is easily disengaged at the angler's discretion. Carp fishing, like most other aspects of fishing, should be enjoyable and there are plenty of other accessories to make it more fun. Carp chairs can be bought, while it is also relatively straightforward to get your hands on carp tackle and specialist tackle boxes from fishing stores to help you when you head off to the water.