How to use Yahoo People Finder
The Yahoo People Finder and Yahoo People Search tools are free services provided by Yahoo, so that you can find friends and search for people's email, phones, and address listings. The search tools are free, and addresses, phones numbers, and email addresses can be made private if you do not want them to be available in the Yahoo people look up directory.
Yahoo People Finder
The Yahoo People Finder is an online directory so that you can search for a mail address (email or physical), phone number, or do a reverse look up for phone numbers. The information is gathered from public phone directories, so mobile phone numbers will not appear in the Yahoo People Finder. The People Finder is also restricted to USA search results for addresses, although email addresses can be found for anyone who is registered. When you go to, you need to put in a last name in order to get results. If you have an unfamiliar number on your caller ID, you can put it in the phone number field. If the number is listed in the public phone directory, it will appear in the Yahoo search results box. You can also search for someone's email address by using the last name, but that only finds results if people want to be listed.
Yahoo People Search
The Yahoo People Search tool is another people locator directory for Yahoo, although it can find people in other countries depending on how their information is registered. The results usually lead to the same sort of results as the Yahoo People Finder. If you do not want to be found in the Yahoo People Search or Yahoo People Finder, you can find instructions on how to remove your information at If you want to be private on Yahoo, you can go to My Yahoo and change your settings, so that they are kept hidden from everyone or from just your friends and contacts. This will not change all of the information found on Yahoo People Search. You can opt out of the Yahoo People Finder by going to and requesting that your information be removed by Intelius. It is a company which powers Yahoo's People Finder.