Popular ideas for children's birthday signs
If you have a child’s birthday party coming up, you may want to let visiting guests know which house the party is in. You can use birthday signs to let visitors know where you are. Here are some ideas of what you can use for children’s birthday signs.
Making your signs
One of the simplest ways in which to signal where the party’s at is to use balloons. Tie them onto your gate or attach them to a nearby lamp post. You can also use sign banners strung across the top of your door or use pennant banners across the gate or up the front garden. If you have any spare party decorations, you can use them to let people know where you are. If you want to be more creative, you can make customised banners and posters. Using the computer, you can make a sign with Microsoft Word. Set to it landscape size and add a bold and decorative border. Add in your message. You can write something simple like "Sarah’s Birthday Party or Sarah’s Party Today." Use a bright and symbolic image like balloons or a cake and then, you are ready to print it out. Laminate it to make it weather-proof and tie it to your gate and front door. You can make larger versions by printing off each letter or having the wording on one sheet and images on another. Laminate them all and then arrange them on an outside wall.
Wooden signs
If you are feeling handy, you can make wooden signs to stick along your drive or in your front garden. Use a rectangle of old wooden board or shelving. Paint it all over in a base colour. Let this dry and then, add a border and your lettering in nice bold letters. Finish off with a birthday image. Wooden signs Once everything is dry, you can attach your sign to a stick or lat of wood and drive it into the ground. Use wording like "Party Guests Stop Here or Sarah’s Party Up Ahead". The kids will love to help out with making birthday signs and will come up with some great ideas for pictures and graphics to use. Therefore, don’t forget to include them in making the perfect birthday signs.