Press release examples and writing techniques
When working in the media or for a PR marketing company, the chances are that you will be required to produce news releases, media releases and press releases on a regular basis. This is a particular skill to master and there are differences in the press release format for marketing and PR. How to produce a good product press release? Read this article to find more about these writing techniques.
The first thing that you need to be aware of when producing news press release or any other press releases for that matter, is the pyramid method. The pyramid way of writing press releases means that you begin your press release with the most important information first and put the “filler” or least important information at the bottom of the piece. This way, you give the reader the vital information first and then, it is up to them how much of the rest they need to read.
Short and sweet
Another thing that you need to consider, whether you are producing business press releases, event press releases or sending a press release to your press contacts, is that you need to keep your sentences short and sweet. By this, it is mean that your sentences need to be direct and to the point to make sure that your press release write-ups are as easy to read as possible, and therefore, of a good quality.
Sell it
Yet another thing you have to think about is, making the content of any of your press releases as interesting as possible to read. You have to make sure that the content is something that your customer is interested in, and will not simply throw it in the bin. In order to look into how to do this, research sample press releases and press release examples on the internet by typing it into a search engine. This will give you a good idea on what you need to be putting into your press releases.
Finally, you need to be aware of the differences of producing top new releases for marketing companies and PR agencies. Press release marketing companies will be looking to sell things for their client and therefore their press releases will have a bit more emphasis towards sales on them rather than the PR companies, which will be looking to promote something that their client has done. Basically, the key difference will be the content and style of the press releases while the method of structuring press releases will remain the same no matter what.