Reasons to buy old cars
With the world's economy being the way it is, particularly in the west, many car buyers are taking the second-hand option. This cheaper option is attractive to many people, who are looking to save money, and there are plenty of bargains out there if people shop around. There are a number of reasons to buy an old car, but prospective buyers should be aware of some issues.
What are the reasons to buy old?
A new car will lose a huge chunk of its value as soon as it leaves the show room.
There is a large gap between the price of new car and the same model that is just a couple of years old.
Condition of the car
The condition of the used version might be great, also with low mileage. This makes the new car rates seem over-inflated.
Cost of the new car
The average cost of a new car also continues to rise, as inflation has affected the motor industry.
Safety issues
Modern technology means that when it comes to safety issues, there is nothing between vehicles with a couple of years difference.
The body style will be the same with accessories, such as CD players, being the only real difference. The vast majority of cars, built in recent times, come with air-bags.
Issues with repairs
It is more likely that used cars will come with more issues with regards to repairs. However, modern cars are built to be durable and tough, so this is not such a huge issue anymore.
New vehicles come with increasingly longer warranties, but this is also good news for second-hand buyers as these warranties are transferable to the new owner.
Online car retailers and their bargain
These days, there are many online car retailers on the Internet. This makes it easier for buyers to look for a car online, and check out the available bargains. With increased competition, this can lower prices for the consumer.
What to watch out for
Clocking is an old scam, where the seller will turn back the clock-o-meter, so a higher price can be charged for a vehicle.
Dashboard for signs of tampering
This is illegal and with older vehicles, people should check the dashboard for signs of tampering.
Mileage of the car
Large numbers of chips at the front of car can mean that it has run up a large number of miles, so if the stated mileage is low, it could be false.
Avoiding "cuts and shuts" cars
Some old cars on the market are "cut and shuts", where the remains of cars have been welded together to form a new vehicle. You can avoid buying one of these, by conducting a car data check to show a car's history.