T-Mobile in the UK: The facts
The T Mobile UK Network has been around since 1993 in one form or another but it has only been known as T-Mobile since around 2002 when it changed its name from One2One. The network is now owned by Deutsche Telekom and they have undergone lots of changes since joining forces with other UK operators Orange and 3 after some changed to their network. This effectively made both Orange and T-mobile the largest mobile voice and data carrier in the UK. This article explores some of the services offered by T-Mobile.
What do they provide?
Mobile Voice Services
The T-Phones phone network provides voice services to their own customers through monthly pay phones as well as pay as you go phones. Virgin mobile also operate through the T-Mobile network for their UK Phones. T-mobiles phones also offer phone services for business phones and their prices have proven to be very competitive as well as offering the new phones on the market fairly early after their release.
Managing large bills
The T-Mobile phones deals that are paid monthly are competitively priced but people have been known to go over their allowed minutes limit, which has meant a big shock when the bill comes through the door. They are though able to keep an eye on their usage by logging in to their account and clicking on 'My phone bill' or 'My Account'.
T-Mobile Data and Internet
Data services
As for their Broadband phones or other internet phones, they have a great network and lots of internet offers since joining forces with 3Mobile so that they had the biggest data network in the UK capable of download speeds as high as 7.2 mb/s which at the beginning of 2008 was the fastest in the country.
It was because of this speed and coverage that their internet service was the network of choice when people shopped for internet for laptops or just internet and email service from a mobile phone. It was also around the time that BlackBerry UK was gaining in popularity and BlackBerry email took advantage of their internet deals in the same way that BlackBerry messenger does now.
Final word
Now, there are lots of phone companies which produce email phones that can take advantage of the high speed data and phone offers. This is the reason why mobile laptop offers that T-Mobile have at any one time are always reasonably priced.