The benefits of the Kid Pix software
Kid Pix studio and Kid Pix Deluxe are drawing programs aimed at enhancing a child’s creative skills through a set of drawing tools. By combining fun and innovative art tools, Kids animation software cultivates the natural creativity of a child.
Features of Kid Pix Deluxe
Kid Pix Deluxe 3 and Kid Pix Deluxe 4 have been used in many school programs, because they blend in easily with different subject areas. Kid Pix Deluxe is an improvement over Kid Pix Studio, in that it offers a 3D interface and editing capabilities not seen in the Studio version. The main tools of Kid Pix Deluxe are: Drawing tools Featuring both basic and special drawing tools like paint bucket, line tool, and wacky brush (to create various paint effects), these tools provide the basic set of options for drawing. Slide show This is a tool that allows the creation of a Slide show of Kid Pix images with transitions and custom recorded sounds. Images can either be created or chosen from the extensive selection of static and animated clip art available.
Where to get Kid Pix software
Kid Pix is available as both a licensed version and is also available to download as a limited-edition software. Kid Pix is also available in various language options. It is now owned and published by The Learning Company. offers a DVD case version of Kid Pix Deluxe 4 for $9.99 (This price seen at 05.8.11). There is also a Teachers Edition. Free download A free Kid Pix download of Deluxe 4 is available at This version even allows you to create works of arts by using your own photos.
Computer requirements for Kid Pix
Kid Pix is generally used for children in the age group 3 to 12. This software is available in both Windows and Mac versions and there are computer requirements to be met for either version.
Kid Pix can be installed on Windows ME, 2K and XP versions. System requirements include 233 MHz processor or faster, 64 MB RAM, 500 MB hard disk space for full installation, 4X CD-ROM drive or faster, 16-bit colour and a Windows-compatible printer.
Kid Pix is available for Mac OS 8.6-9.2.2 and Mac OS 10.2 and higher versions. System requirements include G3 processor or faster, 64 MB RAM, 500 MB hard disk space, 4X CD-ROM drive, 800 x 600 display and a Mac-compatible printer.
In conclusion
With the wealth of tools available in this software, it cannot be doubted that schools all over the world have chosen Kid Pix as part of their learning program. This makes for a good investment for home use as well, as it encourages kids to think creatively and thus, builds on these skills.