The equipment and materials for model makers
Model making is a great pastime and can produce some magnificent models made with care and expertise. A model maker needs to be able to have their equipment and materials ready to hand for any projects undertaken. In this article, have a look at what equipment and materials that may be needed during this process.
Things to consider
The first thing is to have an area to work in for making models, where they will not be disturbed and all equipment and materials are within easy reach. A desk or work bench is ideal. It can be covered with a sheet of board to protect the surface and can be used as a base for the model. Thin wooden board or plywood is available at many hardware shops for this purpose. Lighting Lighting is important to be able to see well and illuminate the smaller aspects of the model. General lighting should be over the work area, but an angle poise lamp is great for concentrating on particular model areas. Magnification may be needed for the more fiddly parts. A normal magnifying glass can be used, or else angle poise magnifiers with a light source included are also ideal for the job.
More items needed
A range of basic model materials are needed. Balsa wood is easy to cut and shape. For large projects, a table saw can be used, but a small hacksaw is just as handy for model projects. Other cutting tools will be needed like scissors and scalpels. Scalpels have a small tip for cutting out those finer parts and a selection of craft knives are invaluable. Measuring and designing Pens and pencils are needed for the design phase and to work out adjustments as the model develops. Measuring tools like rulers, tape measures and set squares should be ready to hand. Model glue is going to be an essential item and a range of glues from PVA to super adhesive are needed for the different materials used. Extra materials Depending on the type of model and whether a landscape is included, other materials like cloth, foam and oasis can be used. Paint and varnish will also be needed for the finishing touches. A range of model paints can be purchased from model and art shops.