The facts about online university degrees
Online university degrees are a convenient way to obtain a qualification, as they can be fitted in around work and home life commitments. However, they do require long term dedication and hard work and a certain amount of self-motivation in order to complete the work, write assignments and submit them on time.
How do online university degrees work?
The application for online degrees is relatively straightforward and often, educational establishments offering them do not ask for any qualifications before you undertake the degree programme. Some courses only ask for broad subject knowledge of your chosen area, but no specific qualifications are required. Once you have applied for a degree course, you will be sent a login ID and password to access your learning platform which will be on the university or online college's website. From here, you will be able to access certain components of your course, contact your tutor or get in touch with other students through the online forums if the university offers this facility. There will also be policies and procedures on this website about distance learning, who to contact if you have a problem or if you require advice about study skills or career options.
Where can I study for an online degree?
There are a variety of places where you can earn your bachelors' degrees online or masters' degree online. The length of the degree courses vary, depending upon whether you would like a degree with or without honours. The Open University is the main provider in the UK for online degrees. This is not to say that there aren't other places to obtain your online degree. ICS, Home Learning College and some mainstream universities around the UK offer degrees via the distance learning route.
Qualities required to successfully complete an online degree
As the distance learning degrees are delivered primarily online and through course materials which are delivered to your home, the responsibility for learning is very much up to you as a student. You will be issued with a course calendar and the resources to enable you to complete the course, but how you study, when you study and how you absorb the course information is very much self-explanatory. The degrees are well worth undertaking if you are dedicated to continuing professional development and have the self-motivation and determination to complete the course.