What can I do with my used cell phone?
At some point or another, everyone will have a used cell phone they no longer have any use for. These used cell phones can often sit in the back of our desk drawer just waiting to find the waste basket eventually. There are things you can do with your mobile phone that will come in handy far more than just tossing it away. This article provides you with ideas that you can put into practice as regards your used cell phone.
There are several things you can do with your used phone and while most people will want to use them to sell for cash, not everyone is going to look for the few pounds that they will get for the used phone.
Because of the batteries mobile phones use, just throwing them in the local landfill is actually quite harmful for the environment. There are various places you can go in order to properly dispose of your cell phone.
Donating the used phone to charity
Sometimes these recycled phones are even donated to various charities that are able to have them refurbished and retasked so that lower income families can have a cell phone of their own.
There are good things that can be done with a used cellphone you no longer want, allowing them to just go in the trash does not help anyone.
Selling the phones
Getting money for phones is something that is a relatively new feature in the last few years as the cell phones have become ever more expensive to make and have more features to use. When you want to sell your cell phone, there are a couple of different angles you can play.
Selling your cell phone to certain stores
There are several companies such as Best Buy that will buy cell phones and either issue cash money or gift certificates to their stores. Some companies exist only to buy phones back. Phone technology is so refined these days that parts of the phone are of higher value than the phones themselves.
There are some phone companies which actually allow you to drive down the price of the new cell phone that you are buying if you give them your cellular phone. The right mobile cell phone can net you a pretty penny.