Where to get free wallpaper for a mobile
Have you ever seen someone's phone wallpaper that's gorgeous, and not had any idea where he or she got it? Chances are that it was downloaded at no charge. This article will demonstrate where you can find the latest and hottest wallpapers free of charge. Additionally, it will go over how you can put them onto your phone after downloading it.
Where to download
Websites There are many great websites where you can download free wallpapers for your mobile device. Please keep in mind that phones have vastly different screen sizes. It is always important to pick out a wallpaper that matches your screen's dimensions or is directly proportional to its dimensions. Not doing so will normally cause the wallpaper to either look extremely stretched out in one direction or to not fill up the whole screen. The best way to ensure that you find wallpaper to fit your phone is to find a website dedicated to wallpapers for your specific phone name and model. For example, there are sites that just have wallpapers for the iPhone 3GS, and then another website with wallpapers for the iPhone 4. Another type of site you can use is a general wallpaper for phones site. These sites usually contain more than just wallpapers, like mobile ringtones, and free mobile videos. If this site doesn't have what you're looking for, independent Google research is recommended. Mobilerated.com One such site is Mobilerated.com. You can find many free downloads for your phone here. Make sure that everything you download is legally licensed, as sometimes sites such as this allow user uploads. Not everyone who uploads content has the right to. If you download illegally uploaded content, you put yourself at legal risk.
Sending them to your phone
Once you have downloaded wallpaper to fit your phone, you will need a way to send it to your phone.
The most popular way to do this is to use an Open Source software called "BitPim". BitPim is a unique and excellent piece of software that basically contains drivers for every phone. Located at BitPim.org, it is compatible with almost every type of modern phone.
You should reference tutorials for your specific phone at BitPim.org.