What can online IQ tests actually tell you?
Do you want to find out if you are smart or not? Then, taking an IQ quiz on the internet may seem like the ideal choice. Can you really measure your IQ online and check how accurate are these tests? Read on to find out.
What is IQ anyway?
IQ stands for intelligence quotient and it measures a person’s ability to deal with new situations, solve problems and remember information. There are many theories about intelligence. For example, Howard Gardner at Harvard University has formulated the theory of multiple intelligences. According to his theory, intelligence can be divided into various specific types. There is the linguistic intelligence that characterises those people who are very good at reading, writing and handling the language. The
logical-mathematical intelligence characterises people who are good at mathematics, computer programming, other logical activities and so on.
Are free online IQ tests reliable?
Generally, free IQ tests on the internet are very unreliable and bear only a small resemblance to standardised testing. The IQ scores that they give are usually highly inflated and you should treat these IQ quizzes as free fun tests and nothing more. However, there are a few exceptions.
For example, the IQ Mensa test is a very legitimate and accurate method of measuring your intelligence. You can find more information about this test by visiting Mensa.org.uk.
Mensa is an organisation founded by Dr. Lancelot Ware, a British scientist and Roland Berrill, an Australian barrister in 1946. The goal of this society is to encourage social interaction between the smartest people of the world. Admission to Mensa is limited to people who score in the 98th percentile of specific IQ tests, like the Cattel and the Stanford-Binet test.
So, how can you measure your IQ?
Most reliable IQ tests are purchased by the institution that owns the license of the tests. Of course, this is more expensive than taking a free test on the internet, but at least, you can be sure about the results. The most common tests for adults are the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. These tests are considered to be extremely accurate. The Stanford-Binet test was first developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet, as a method to identify intellectually deficient children. The test was revised in 1916 at Stanford University and became known as the "Stanford-Binet test". The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is the main tool used to measure adult intelligence.