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Where to buy religious books

Religious books are generally books held as sacred by different religions, detailing different supernatural and/or ethical stories. These holy books provide great spiritual guidance for billions of people around the world. However, there are also several informative books about religion and several books which attack religion. In this article, I will detail where you can buy such books.

From places of worship

Places of worship The first stop for one looking for religious texts may well be a place of worship, such as Churches, Synagogues or Mosques. Many such building have either gift shops or little ‘for sale’ bookcases where sacred texts may be purchased. Most of the time, these places of worship offer free booklets or leaflets about their religions and beliefs. This is particularly true of evangelical religions/branches such as Evangelicals and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Other benefits of going to a place of worship In addition to the literature available, by going to a place of worship, the person gets a glimpse of the religion and denomination first. These words are thought by many religious believers to be powerful. Some places of worship will also have associated websites where one can find out more about the faith and buy books on religion on the internet.

From shops, online shops and free versions

High street shops There are many shops on the UK High street where religious books can be bought, such as WHsmiths and Waterstones. Typical Waterstones stores for example, have a sizable ‘Politics, Philosophy & Religion’ section. These sections will typically include both replications of the ancient texts themselves as well as theology books which critiques particular religions or the phenomenon as a whole. An example would be books by Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. Shops’ online stores and Amazon Such stores also have comprehensive online stores. The Waterstones online store for example, contains nearly 300,000 books on Philosophy and Religion & Beliefs, of which 234,851 are in the latter category. As with many things, a good place to look for items online is Amazon. This offers cheap, reliable buys concerning many different religious books and has over 990,000 ‘Religion and Spirituality’ books, some of which are free. Kindle books can also be purchased, so people can read religious books on the move. Free religious texts online One may not need to buy holy books such as Bibles though. This is because there are many Christian ebooks available online as free pdf books on the Bible store website or just on normal web pages as on Bible Gateway for example. This is also true of other religions.

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