Where to download free phone wallpaper
Are you interested in downloading free phone wallpaper? Having a great wallpaper is awesome because you get to see the wallpaper every time you open your phone, and you also get to show it to your friends and display your taste in wallpaper, whether it is funny, cute, or strange. Find out where you can download free phone wallpaper.
Where to find free phone wallpaper
The first and best place to look for a wallpaper is in your head. Think of what you want as a wallpaper rather than look through a huge list and waste your time. By doing this, you have a goal and an objective rather than aimlessly looking around, which will result in hours of time spent without any results.
For example, if you want a certain game as a wallpaper, you already know what you want. You can go to the official page of that site and grab the wallpaper from there. In this example, you found your wallpaper in less than a minute.
Google search
Once you have your idea, you can do a search in Google for it, then you just have to find a free photo. Do not try to take copyrighted images as this is not the best idea! After you have found your picture, you can load it to your phone and use it as a background.
Transferring the photo to the phone
On a smart phone, this will be a very easy task. However, if you have an old phone, you may not be able to do this since the file is too large. If this is the case, you should put the picture in a photo editing program such as paint or photo-shop, and resize the image to make it smaller. Then, you can export the small picture with lower file-size and transfer it to your phone.
Other methods
If you do want to aimlessly browse through many websites, you can find free phone downloads in numerous places such as Freemobilefun.net. You can find wallpaper for cell phones, ring tones, and etc. You can also just do a Google search for free phone wallpaper and find a ton of sites that have the pictures categorised, and you can just look through them.