Where to find cheap holidays in Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura, the closest of the Canary Islands to Africa, enjoys year round sunshine, tempered with an often stiff breeze. It lies just 12 miles from Lanzarote, close to the much smaller island of Los Lobos. So, where do you look for a cheap Fuerteventura beach deal?
Tour Operators
Lower priced midweek departures
Package holidays are available to Fuerteventura from most of the UK's major airports. As of 01.05.2011, a large number of departures were available on Saturdays. However, midweek flights also operated from some airports and these tended to be cheaper.
If you are not tied to weekend departures, you will find lower prices on tour operator websites for holidays beginning on less popular days such as Tuesday.
For example, seven nights self catering at the Lobos Bahia Club in Fuerteventura, departing London Gatwick on Saturday 4 June 2011 was priced at £371 per person. The same length of stay on a half board basis departing Gatwick on Tuesday 7 June 2011 was priced at £241. These prices were checked on the Thomas Cook website on 31.05.2011 on Thomascook.com
Cheaper night flights
As a rule of thumb, holidays which involve traveling on "night flights" also tend to cheaper in price.
If you depart for Fuerteventura around 10.00pm and arrive at 3.00am, your holiday should be cheaper than if you choose a flight which takes off at 10.00am and arrives at 3.00pm.
Arranging your own holiday
Best possible prices To find your own self arranged cheap Fuerteventura holiday you will need to get the best possible price for flights, accommodation and transfers. DIY holidays not always cheaper Many people believe that arranging each component of a holiday separately is the key to getting a bargain. That is not always the case.The cheapest Fuerteventura flight available from London, departing on Tuesday 7 June and returning one week later was £87. This price was checked on the Skyscanner website on 31.05.2011 on Skyscanner.net. The charge for a week's half board at the Lobos Bahia Club quoted by accommodation agency Alpharooms was £126. This price was checked on the Alpharooms website on 31.05.11 on Alpharooms.com. An arranged transfer costing £16.30 per person brought the holiday cost to £233.30, just £7.70 cheaper than the Thomas Cook package. The transfer price was checked on the Resorthoppa website on 31.05.2011 on Resorthoppa.com Conclusion There are no rigid rules about where to find cheap Fuerteventura holidays. It's really a matter of doing research on tour operator prices and comparing these with arranging your own Fuerteventura flights and Fuerteventura accommodation. In terms of the time this takes, you need to be reasonably sure the saving is going to be worth the effort.