Where to find free gift cards
There are a few places where you can design and produce your own greetings cards. Some of these are online options, others are programmes that can be downloaded or come supplied with your computer software. This article will look at some of the options available and will compare them.
Design software
There are a great many design software programs that you can buy to produce high quality free online cards, holiday greetings and invitations. Some services like Printable-greetings.com offer users the chance to either use one of their own thousands of designs or upload your pictures and use them within the setting. Several design software programs use this approach of utilising your own pictures to complete personalised cards that can then be printed on high quality paper and give a professional look to any designs. Downloading the software means that you can have access to it whenever you need to design a card. In most cases, the software has other options such as announcements and invitations so you could find yourself using it quite often.
Downloadable cards
Using a service such as 123greetings.com means that you can still design the card online and send it out even if you don’t have access to a printer. It also means that, should you forget a special occasion you can still send the card out and they will receive it as a free email. Other services allow you to download the online cards and print them out without having to download the software first. This means that you will get the card and then print it yourself. Sites such as Greetingsisland.com offer this service - this allows you to use your own pictures once again, combined with one of their thousands of designs. These services also offer e-mail postcards and free postcards online which can be used for birthday postcards or Christmas electronic postcards.
Other services that enable you to obtain cheap greetings card is the Microsoft Publisher programme. The results are a little less professional than some of the online greeting cards, but it is suitable for things like thank you greetings cards or if you want to make certificates for birthday parties. Overall though, if you are looking to get cards then you are better off downloading one of the other programs as they would have a better range of fonts and designs. If you want a professional finish, then look at the online services that print and send out the card for you.